Thursday, 10 September 2015

jeudi le 10 septembre 2015

Day Three is in the books, and with all six classes in French, we were busy! Unfortunately, I was away in the morning due to administrative meetings, but our French classes continued in the capable hands of a supply teacher.

Our Grade 6s spent some time learning the vocabulary around our new unit - Les Passe-Temps! They got to lean the vocabulary surrounding this unit. Our Grade 8s completed a diagnostic activity to give me important information on what French they remember from last year. In Grade 5, students were reviewing some material from last year. Mr. Stephenson's Grade 4s were introduced to our unit on "L'Ecole" - The School! They learned the names for several classroom objects, and were able to practice speaking with me in small groups. In Mrs. McLeish's class, our students were given their diagnostic assessment. Finally, our Grade 7s ended the day with a review of -ER verbs.

For homework tonight:

-ALL CLASSES: If your diagnostics are not done, they need to be done for homework. I am also waiting for a few more parent contact forms!
-Mr. Stephenson's class: Please finish the front side of the school vocabulary practice sheet (just the front).

See everyone tomorrow for our first Friday of the year! Joyeux vendredi!

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